
The magic, memory, and curiosity fMRI dataset of people viewing magic tricks.

An fMRI dataset in which participants viewed video clips of magic tricks, provided curiosity ratings, and later recalled the content with and without the influence of extrinsic incentives. Download the dataset.


Meliss, S., Pascua-Martin, C., Skipper, J. I., & Murayama, K. (2024). The magic, memory, and curiosity fMRI dataset of people viewing magic tricks. Scientific Data, 11(1), 1063. OPEN ACCESS     Request PDF Article

Magic Curiosity Arousing Tricks (MagicCATs)

More than 100 video clips of magic tricks, which we developed for experimental and fMRI research. Here is a sample. Download related file


Ozono, H., Komiya, A., Kuratomi, K., Hatano, A., Fastrich, G., Raw, J. A. L., Haffey, A., Meliss, S., Lau, J. K. L., & Murayama, K. (2020). Magic curiosity arousing tricks (MagicCATs): A novel stimulus collection to induce epistemic emotions. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 188-215.    OSF Link    Request PDF Article

Summary-statistics-based power analysis Shinny app

A shinny app which can do power analysis for mixed-effects modelling with minimal input. Go to the APP


Murayama, K., Usami, S., & Sakaki, M. (2022). Summary-statistics-based power analysis: A new and practical method to determine sample size for mixed-effects modeling. Psychological Methods, 27(6), 1014–1038.    OSF Link    Request PDF Article

Achievement Emotions Questionnaire – Elementary School (AEQ-ES) – girls

A self-administered questionnaire of achievement emotions in maths (girls). Download related file


Lichtenfeld, S., Pekrun, R., Stupnisky, R. H., Reiss, K., & Murayama, K. (2012). Measuring students' emotions in the early years: The achievement emotions questionnaire-elementary school (AEQ-ES). Learning and Individual Differences, 22(2), 190-201.    Request PDF Article

Achievement Emotions Questionnaire – Elementary School (AEQ-ES) – boys

A self-administered questionnaire of achievement emotions in maths (boys). Download related file


Lichtenfeld, S., Pekrun, R., Stupnisky, R. H., Reiss, K., & Murayama, K. (2012). Measuring students' emotions in the early years: The achievement emotions questionnaire-elementary school (AEQ-ES). Learning and Individual Differences, 22(2), 190-201.    Request PDF Article

Shortened version of a syllogism-solving test (BAROCO Short)

A very short self-administered syllogism-solving test. This test can be used in a questionnaire survey. Download related file


Shikishima, C., Yamagata, S., Hiraishi, K., Sugimoto, Y., Murayama, K., & Ando, J. (2011). A simple syllogism-solving test: Empirical findings and implications for g research. Intelligence, 39, 89-99.    Request PDF Article

Perceived competitiveness scale

A scale that assesses perceived competitiveness of a class. Download related file


Murayama, K., & Elliot, A. J. (2012). The competition–performance relation: A meta-analytic review and test of the opposing processes model of competition and performance. Psychological Bulletin, 138(6), 1035–1070.    Request PDF Article

Potential-approach and potential-avoidance goal items

Items that assess potential-approach and potential-avoidance goals. Download related file


Elliot, A. J., Murayama, K., Kobeisy, A., & Lichtenfeld, S. (2015). Potential-based achievement goals. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 192-206.    Request PDF Article

Achievement Goal Questionnaire – Revised (AGQ-R)

A scale that assesses 2 x 2 achievement goals. Download related file


Elliot, A. J., & Murayama, K. (2008). On the measurement of achievement goals: Critique, illustration, and application. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100(3), 613-628.    Request PDF Article

3 x 2 Achievement Goal Questionnaire

A scale that assesses 3 x 2 achievement goals. Download related file


Elliot, A. J., Murayama, K., & Pekrun, R. (2011). A 3 x 2 achievement goal model. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(3), 632-648.    Request PDF Article

Trivia Question Data Base

Trivia questions, memory performance for the answers, and normative curiosity, confidence, and post-answer interest ratings. Download related file


Fastrich, G. M., Kerr, T., Castel, A. D., & Murayama, K. (2018). The role of interest in memory for trivia questions: An investigation with a large-scale database. Motivation Science, 4(3), 227–250.   Raw Data    Request PDF Article